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Comenzi admini si ce reprezinta fiecare

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Comenzi admini si ce reprezinta fiecare Empty Comenzi admini si ce reprezinta fiecare

Mesaj Scris de d3n3 Dum Mar 23, 2008 2:13 pm

----- Admin Help Entries (null) -----

1: admin_abort_vote: Aborts a vote in progress.
2: admin_autokick <1 or 0> mp_autokick on or off
3: admin_autoteambalance <#> setting for mp_autoteambalance
4: admin_balance <"on" | "off"> Sets the forced team balancing.
5: admin_ban <target or WONID or IP> [<minutes>] ['ip'] Bans target. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.
6: admin_banip <target or WONID or IP> [<minutes>] Bans targets ip address. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.
7: admin_blue <target> Changes target to the blue team.
8: admin_bury <target> Bury target in the ground.
9: admin_buytime <#> setting for mp_buytime
10: admin_c4timer <#> setting for
11: admin_cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote.
12: admin_cfg <config file> Executes config file on server.
13: admin_chat <msg> Shows message only to other admins.
14: admin_chattime <#> setting for mp_chattime
15: admin_consistency <#> setting for mp_consistency
16: admin_csay [color] <msg> Shows message in center of screen.
17: admin_ct <target>: Changes target to the counter-terrorist team.
18: admin_denymap <map> Removes all votes for map.
19: admin_disco Starts disco fever. Fun mode only.
20: admin_dmesg <idtype> <userid> <message> Direct message
21: admin_execall <command> Force everyone to execute command.
22: admin_execclient <target> <command> Force target to execute command.
23: admin_execteam <team> <command> Force everyone on team to execute command.
24: admin_fadetoblack <1 or 0> mp_fadetoblack on or off
25: admin_flashlight <1 or 0> mp_flashlight on or off
26: admin_footsteps <1 or 0> mp_footsteps on or off
27: admin_forcecamera <#> setting for mp_forcecamera
28: admin_forcechasecam <#> setting for mp_forcechasecam
29: admin_fraglimit <fraglimit> Sets the mp_fraglimit cvar.
30: admin_freezetime <#> setting for mp_freezetime
31: admin_friendlyfire <friendlyfire> Sets the mp_friendlyfire cvar.
32: admin_fun <"on" | "off"> Turns fun mode on or off.
33: admin_gag <target> [<minutes>] Gag target. 0 minutes is a permanent gag.
34: admin_ghostfrequency <#> setting for mp_ghostfrequency
35: admin_glow <color | "off"> Causes you to glow that color.
36: admin_godmode <target> <"on" | "off"> Sets godmode on target.
37: admin_gravity <gravity> Sets the sv_gravity cvar.
38: admin_green <target> Changes target to the green team.
39: admin_hpenalty <#> setting for mp_hostagepenalty
40: admin_hostname <name> Sets the hostname cvar.
41: admin_kick <target> [<reason>] Kicks target.
42: admin_kickpercent <#> setting for mp_kickpercent
43: admin_limitteams <1 or 0> mp_limitteams on or off
44: admin_listmaps Shows maps in mapcycle.
45: admin_llama <target> Llama-fy target.
46: admin_map <map> Changes map.
47: admin_mapvoteratio <#> setting for mp_mapvoteratio
48: admin_maxrounds <#> setting for mp_maxrounds
49: admin_motd Displays a MOTD style window on the client with a msg of your choice.
50: admin_nextmap Shows next map in cycle.
51: admin_noclip <target> <"on" | "off"> Sets noclip on target.
52: admin_nopass Clears the server's password.
53: admin_pass <password> Sets the server's password.
54: admin_pause Sets the pausable cvar to 1.
55: admin_playerid <#> setting for mp_playerid
56: admin_prematch <prematch> Sets the tfc_clanbattle_prematch cvar.
57: admin_psay <target> <msg> Sends a private msg to target.
58: admin_rcon <cmd> Executes rcon command.
59: admin_red <target> Changes target to the red team.
60: admin_reload Reloads Admin Mod files.
61: admin_restart <seconds> Restarts the round.
62: admin_restartround <seconds> Restarts the round.
63: admin_restrict Control restrictions - admin_restrict help for details.
64: admin_restrictmenu Displays menu for changing weaponrestrictions.
65: admin_roundtime <#> setting for mp_roundtime
66: admin_say <msg> Shows a message from you as admin.
67: admin_servercfg <config file> Sets the config file as the server's default.
68: admin_slap <target> Slaps target.
69: admin_slay <target> Slays target.
70: admin_slay
71: admin_ssay <msg> Shows a message admin without identification.
72: admin_stack Will stack everyone on top of you.
73: admin_startmoney <800/16000> setting for mp_startmoney
74: admin_startvote Starts an hlds_ld vote.
75: admin_t <target> Changes target to the terrorist team.
76: admin_teamplay <teamplay> Sets the mp_teamplay cvar.
77: admin_teleport <target> <X> <Y> <Z> Teleports target to the given coordinates. See admin_userorigin.
78: admin_timeleft Shows the time left.
79: admin_timelimit <timelimit> Sets the mp_timelimit cvar.
80: admin_tkpunish <1 or 0> mp_tkpunish on or off
81: admin_tsay [color] <msg> Prints msg on lower left of screen.
82: admin_unban <WONID or IP> Unbans target.
83: admin_unbury <target> un-Bury target from the ground.
84: admin_ungag <target> Ungag target.
85: admin_unllama <target> Unllama-fy target.
86: admin_unpause Sets the pausable cvar to 0.
87: admin_unrestrict Control restrictions - admin_unrestrict help for details.
88: admin_userlist [<name>] Shows a list of users.
89: admin_userorigin <target> Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target.
90: admin_vote_kick <target> Starts a vote to kick target.
91: admin_vote_map <map> Starts a vote to change the map.
92: admin_vote_restart Starts a vote to restart the round.
93: admin_vsay <question> Presents question as a vote.
94: admin_winlimit <#> setting for mp_winlimit
95: admin_yellow <target> Changes target to the yellow team.
96: say cancelvote Cancels the current hlds_ld vote.
97: say denymap <map> Removes all votes for map.
98: say mapvote Starts an hlds_ld vote.
99: say rockthevote Starts an hlds_ld vote.
100: say vote <map> Places a vote for the map.
101: say glow <color | "off"> Causes you to glow that color. Fun mode only.
Server & Forum Admin
Server & Forum Admin

Numarul mesajelor : 483
Varsta : 33
Data de inscriere : 23/03/2008

Sus In jos

Comenzi admini si ce reprezinta fiecare Empty Re: Comenzi admini si ce reprezinta fiecare

Mesaj Scris de d3n3 Dum Mar 23, 2008 2:13 pm

Admin Mod Commands
Note: This list of commands includes all the commands that are provided with Admin Mod "out of the box."
It does not include any commands that are created by the use of additional plugins.
Please see the new plugin's documentation and/or admin_help for assistance with any additional plugins you add to your server's setup.

Console Commands
Built In Commands
Command Access Description

admin_help - Prsents a help listing. It can be used to display a list of all command using index numbers or used with command names to provide help with a particular function.
admin_version - Presents Admin Mod version information and a list of the loaded plugins.
admin_status - Echos the access level of the calling user to the console.
admin_login - Allows users to provide Admin Mod with their password so they can be granted access
admin_password - identical to admin_login
admin_command - Allows the use of Admin mod commands from the server console, see this HowTo for details.
admin_cmd - Shotened version of admin_command.

Admin Base Plugin
Command Access Description

admin_abort_vote 2 admin_abort_vote: Aborts a vote in progress.
admin_ban 256 admin_ban <target or WONID or IP> [<minutes>] ['ip']: Bans target. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.
admin_banip 256 admin_banip <target or WONID or IP> [<minutes>]: Bans targets ip address. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.
admin_cfg 512 admin_cfg <config file>: Executes config file on server.
admin_chat 64 admin_chat <msg>: Shows message only to other admins.
admin_csay 64 admin_csay [color] <msg>: Shows message in center of screen.
admin_dmesg 512 admin_dmesg <idtype> <userid> <message>: Direct message
admin_fraglimit 2 admin_fraglimit <fraglimit>: Sets the mp_fraglimit cvar.
admin_friendlyfire 32 admin_friendlyfire <friendlyfire>: Sets the mp_friendlyfire cvar.
admin_gravity 32 admin_gravity <gravity>: Sets the sv_gravity cvar.
admin_hostname 512 admin_hostname <name>: Sets the hostname cvar.
admin_kick 128 admin_kick <target> [<reason>]: Kicks target.
admin_listmaps 0 admin_listmaps: Shows maps in mapcycle.
admin_map 2 admin_map <map>: Changes map.
admin_nextmap 0 admin_nextmap: Shows next map in cycle.
admin_nopass 16 admin_nopass: Clears the server's password.
admin_pass 16 admin_pass <password>: Sets the server's password.
admin_pause 8 admin_pause: Sets the pausable cvar to 1.
admin_psay 64 admin_psay <target> <msg>: Sends a private msg to target.
admin_rcon 65536 admin_rcon <cmd>: Executes rcon command.
admin_reload 4 admin_reload: Reloads Admin Mod files.
admin_say 64 admin_say <msg>: Shows a message from you as admin.
admin_servercfg 512 admin_servercfg <config file>: Sets the config file as the server's default.
admin_ssay 64 admin_ssay <msg>: Shows a message admin without identification.
admin_teamplay 32 admin_teamplay <teamplay>: Sets the mp_teamplay cvar.
admin_timeleft 0 admin_timeleft: Shows the time left.
admin_timelimit 2 admin_timelimit <timelimit>: Sets the mp_timelimit cvar.
admin_tsay 64 admin_tsay [color] <msg>: Prints msg on lower left of screen.
admin_unban 256 admin_unban <WONID or IP>: Unbans target.
admin_unpause 8 admin_unpause: Sets the pausable cvar to 0.
admin_userlist 0 admin_userlist [<name>]: Shows a list of users.
admin_vote_kick 1 admin_vote_kick <target>: Starts a vote to kick target.
admin_vote_map 1 admin_vote_map <map>: Starts a vote to change the map.
admin_vsay 64 admin_vsay <question>: Presents question as a vote.

Admin Retribution Plugin
Command Access Description

admin_bury 8192 admin_bury <target>: Bury target in the ground.
admin_execall 65536 admin_execall <command>: Force everyone to execute command.
admin_execclient 65536 admin_execclient <target> <command>: Force target to execute command.
admin_execteam 65536 admin_execteam <team> <command>: Force everyone on team to execute command.
admin_gag 2048 admin_gag <target> [<minutes>]: Gag target. 0 minutes is a permanent gag.
admin_llama 8192 admin_llama <target>: Llama-fy target.
admin_slap 128 admin_slap <target>: Slaps target.
admin_slay 128 admin_slay <target>: Slays target.
admin_slayteam 128 admin_slayteam <team>: Slays everyone on team.
admin_unbury 8192 admin_unbury <target>: un-Bury target from the ground.
admin_ungag 2048 admin_ungag <target>: Ungag target.
admin_unllama 8192 admin_unllama <target>: Unllama-fy target.

Admin hlds_ld-style Map Vote Plugin
Command Access Description

admin_cancelvote 2 admin_cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote.
admin_denymap 2 admin_denymap <map>: Removes all votes for map.
admin_startvote 1 admin_startvote: Starts an hlds_ld vote.

Fun Plugin
Command Access Description

admin_disco 8192 admin_disco: Starts disco fever. Fun mode only.
admin_fun 8192 admin_fun <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Turns fun mode on or off.
admin_glow 8192 admin_glow <color | ^"off^">: Causes you to glow that color.

Admin Cheating Plugin
Command Access Description

admin_godmode 8192 admin_godmode <target> <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Sets godmode on target.
admin_noclip 8192 admin_noclip <target> <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Sets noclip on target.
admin_stack 8192 admin_stack: Will stack everyone on top of you.
admin_teleport 8192 admin_teleport <target> <X> <Y> <Z>: Teleports target to the given coordinates. See admin_userorigin.
admin_userorigin 8192 admin_userorigin <target>: Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target.

Admin Chat Plugin
Command Access Descirption

admin_messagemode 0 admin_messagemode <command>: Will treat 'say' as command.
admin_nomessagemode 0 admin_nomessagemode: Will treat 'say' as 'say'.

Admin Counterstrike Plugin
Command Access Description

admin_autokick 0 and 512 admin_autokick: [<1 or 0>]: mp_autokick on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_autoteambalance 0 and 512 admin_autoteambalance: [<#>]: setting for mp_autoteambalance. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_buytime 0 and 512 admin_buytime: [<#>]: setting for mp_buytime. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_c4timer 0 and 512 admin_c4timer: [<#>]: setting for mp_c4timer. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_chattime 0 and 512 admin_chattime: [<#>]: setting for mp_chattime. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_consistency 0 and 512 admin_consistency: [<#>]: setting for mp_consistency. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_ct 128 admin_ct <target>: Changes target to the counter-terrorist team.
admin_fadetoblack 0 and 512 admin_fadetoblack: [<1 or 0>]: mp_fadetoblack on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_flashlight 0 and 512 admin_flashlight: [<1 or 0>]: mp_flashlight on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_footsteps 0 and 512 admin_footsteps: [<1 or 0>]: mp_footsteps on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_forcecamera 0 and 512 admin_forcecamera: [<#>]: setting for mp_forcecamera. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_forcechasecam 0 and 512 admin_forcechasecam: [<#>]: setting for mp_forcechasecam. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_freezetime 0 and 512 admin_freezetime: [<#>]: setting for mp_freezetime. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_ghostfrequency 0 and 512 admin_ghostfrequency: [<#>]: setting for mp_ghostfrequency. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_hpenalty 0 and 512 admin_hpenalty: [<#>]: setting for mp_hostagepenalty. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_limitteams 0 and 512 admin_limitteams: [<1 or 0>]: mp_limitteams on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_kickpercent 0 and 512 admin_kickpercent: [<#>]: setting for mp_kickpercent. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_maxrounds 0 and 512 admin_maxrounds: [<#>]: setting for mp_maxrounds. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_mapvoteratio 0 and 512 admin_mapvoteratio: [<#>]: setting for mp_mapvoteratio. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_playerid 0 and 512 admin_playerid: [<#>]: setting for mp_playerid. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_restartround 2 admin_restartround : Restarts the round.
admin_restart 2 admin_restart : Restarts the round. Alias for admin_restartround.
admin_restrict 0,32 and 512 admin_restrict: Views / Configures / Saves weapon restrictions. Anyone can view the restrictions, level 32 is needed to change them, and level 512 to save the changes so they become permanent for the server. Run "admin_restrict help" for details
admin_restrictmenu 32 admin_restrictmenu: Change weapon restirctions via a menu. Requires menus to be enabled.
admin_roundtime 0 and 512 admin_roundtime: [<#>]: setting for mp_roundtime. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_startmoney 0 and 512 admin_startmoney: [<800/16000>]: setting for mp_startmoney. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_t 128 admin_t <target>: Changes target to the terrorist team.
admin_tkpunish 0 and 512 admin_tkpunish: [<1 or 0>]: mp_tkpunish on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes.
admin_unrestrict 32 admin_unrestrict: Remove weapon restrictions. Run "admin_unrestrict help" for details.
admin_vote_restart 1 admin_vote_restart: Starts a vote to restart the round.
admin_winlimit 0 and 512 admin_winlimit: [<#>]: setting for mp_winlimit. Level 512 is needed to make changes.

Admin TFC Plugin
Command Access Description

admin_balance 32 admin_balance <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Sets the forced team balancing.
admin_blue 8192 admin_blue <target>: Changes target to the blue team.
admin_green 8192 admin_green <target>: Changes target to the green team.
admin_prematch 4 admin_prematch <prematch>: Sets the tfc_clanbattle_prematch cvar.
admin_red 8192 admin_red <target>: Changes target to the red team.
admin_yellow 8192 admin_yellow <target>: Changes target to the yellow team.

Chat commands
Admin hlds_ld-style Map Vote Plugin
Command Access Description

cancelvote 2 say cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote.
denymap 2 say denymap <map>: Removes all votes for map.
mapvote 1 say mapvote: Starts an hlds_ld vote.
rockthevote 1 say rockthevote: Starts an hlds_ld vote.
vote 1 say vote <map>: Places a vote for the map.

Fun Plugins
Command Access Description

currentmap 0 say currentmap: Will respond with the current map's name.
nextmap 0 say nextmap: Will respond with the next map in the cycle.
timeleft 0 say timeleft: Will respond with the time left.
glow 0 say glow <color | ^"off^">: Causes you to glow that color. Fun mode only.
Server & Forum Admin
Server & Forum Admin

Numarul mesajelor : 483
Varsta : 33
Data de inscriere : 23/03/2008

Sus In jos


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